Evolution of the PlayStation Home Console

images above are the four installments of the PlayStation Home Console series that
the Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated along with their respective
variations or revisions.
PlayStation is the first console that the SCEI developed. This was released in
December 3, 1994 and part of the fifth generation of game consoles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#PlayStation). It has a variation console known as the PSone
which is smaller. This console uses CD-ROM-based media that was hard to use in
the video game consoles at the time. The controller that this unit uses is the
DualShock controller. Its system software has an Audio CD Playback feature (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#Comparison).
There is one major difference between the units in Japan and America which is
the functionality of the (X) and (O) button. In Japan, the (O) is the OK button
and the (X) is the Cancel button. This is reversed in the American consoles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_(console)#Regional_variants). The PSone, losing the RCA jacks from the
original, was released in July 7, 2000 and outselling the PlayStation 2 in that
year even though the PS2 was released a few months ealier (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_(console)#Models).
PlayStation 2 was released in March 4, 2000 and is in the sixth generation of
video game consoles. This unit went on to becoming the best-selling video game
console in history, selling over 155 million units. This console has a smaller,
slimmer variation known as the PlayStation 2 Slimeline which was released in
October 2004. This unit uses the DVD-ROM/CD-ROM media and comes with the
DualShock2 controller. It uses the operating system Linux and a DVD Playback
kit which features Audio CD Playback and DVD Playback (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#Comparison).
The PlayStation 2 gained online functionality. The online games use third-party
servers that the game developers need to make (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_2#Online_functionality).
November 11, 2006, the PlayStation 3 was released. This unit is part of the
seventh generation of gaming consoles. “It was the first console to use Blu-ray
Disc as its primary storage medium.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3)
The online gaming service of the PlayStation has become unified called the
PlayStation Network. For this console, there are two variations which are the
PS3 Slim and the PS3 Super Slim. It comes with an internal hard drive of up to
500 gigabytes and uses the Wireless DualShock 3 Controller. The CPU of the
PlayStation 3 is the Cell Broadband Engine. The operating system it uses is the
XrossMediaBar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#Comparison).
The PlayStation 3 Slim was released in September of 2009. The cell processor was change to a 45nm Cell
which makes the unit run quieter and cooler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#Slim_model). “In 2012, Sony revealed a new "Super
Slim" PlayStation 3. The new console is 4.3 pounds, three pounds lighter
than the previous "slim" model. The console comes with up to a
500-gigabyte hard drive.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#Super_Slim_model).
The latest console of the
PlayStation series is the PlayStation 4 which was released in November 15,
2013. It is part of the eighth generation of video game consoles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#PlayStation_4). The PlayStation 4 comes with an internal hard
drive (500GB) and a Wireless DualShock 4 Controller. The CPU it uses is the
8-Core AMD "Jaguar". Orbis OS is the operating system that the PS4
uses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation#Comparison).
Reference List:
- · 2014. PlayStation. Latest Accepted Revision. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation. March 1, 2014
- · 2014. PlayStation (console). Revised on March 1, 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_(console). March 1, 2014
- · 2014. PlayStation 2. Revised on February 25 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_2. March 2, 2014
- · 2014. PlayStation 3. Revised on February 4 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3. March 3, 2014
- · 2014. PlayStation 4. Revised on March 3 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_4. March 3, 2014
- · http://img3.meristation.com/files/imagenes/reportajes/pc/2013/playstation_la_primogenita_de_sony/ps1.jpg. March 2, 2014
- · http://totalplaystation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/PS-one-console.jpg. March 2, 2014
- · http://wikicheats.gametrailers.com/images/3/36/Sony_PlayStation_2.jpg. March 2, 2014
- · http://static.clickbd.com/global/classified/item_img/569944_1_original.jpg. March 2, 2014
- · http://media.engadget.com/img/product/3/2ek/sony-playstation-3-3ej-800.jpg. March 2, 2014
- · http://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/igi/AmmNhYJTpbpVA2b2.medium. March 2, 2014
- · http://cdn.wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/ps3-super-slim-3.jpg. March 2, 2014
- · http://corruptedcartridge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/PlayStation-4.jpg. March 2, 2014
Arthur David
Enova Dela Merced
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