I personally wouldn't change anything on this episode. Time Enough At Last is a great classic and one of the most popular episodes of the original Twilight Zone series. Such great work shouldn't be tampered with, no matter how many advancements the world makes. Sure books are becoming overrated nowadays but you couldn't change the book-loving banker to some updated modernized man just to appeal to the current era.
I wouldn't change anything about it, from the black-and-white video to the actors that played it. The show's theme has been greatly emphasized by these factors alone which is why I think the episode is perfect as it is. The whole Twilight Zone series is great but this episode stands out among the many wonderful episodes of said series. It was summer two years ago since I first watched the episode and still I remember such a great episode.
The greatest part of the episode started when Henry Bemis, the banker, wakes up in the messed-up safe after the great earthquake occurrence and sees the world broken. But then looking at the bright side, he noticed that he finally has all the time he needed to read every book he wanted to read. He started collecting books and stacking them in one place for him to read through. The excitement and enjoyment he had was the greatest joy anyone could get. But then, when at his peak of happiness, he greatly crashed into despair when his only glasses gets broken. There is no describing such heart-ache after feeling so much joy.
Such a masterpiece shouldn't be adapted or anything and I'd rather shoot myself in the head than to change anything in the episode. Or I'll just write a completely different show on the matters of anything about the present and leave the episode alone.
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