Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"The Future"

            Futurama is a science fiction show that gives us a glimpse of what the future looks like for them. Nowadays, these types of shows and movies are often. But Futurama had a different view. The show did not for see the future in the conventional way where things are all good. Most futuristic videos show that everything is all good and easy in the future. They show us that life is so much easier and convenient. All the problems of the world today are all solved and dealt with. Technology has been mastered by the society, giving rise to very advanced pieces of technology.
            But in Futurama’s case, it was different.  Not everything in the future, as they perceive it, is good. Although life is definitely easier and more convenient, some of today’s problems are not solved. Some are even made worse. Technology is not in full control by the society. And the worse of all, critical changes in the lifestyle of men and women were made. People can no longer choose freely what they want to be or what they want to do for a living.
            Futurama is actually trying to tell us that those really good things that are said to be in the future are only as good as how we want it to be. Flying cars and teleportation portals are not going to be made by time alone. These perceptions of having exceptional advancements in technology are only going to be made possible in the future if we do something about it right now. It is not wrong to dream of wonderful things to arise in the future. But let us remember that the playmaker in getting to the future we want is no other than ourselves. No one can really say what the future looks like, but we can say how we want it to look like.


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