Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Futurama: Into the Fututre

          The show, Futurama, is mainly about the adventures of the main character and his friends. These adventures were all possible through a "time machine" and an accident.
         Fry, the main character, was delivering pizza when he accidentally got into a cryonic machine. That machine could freeze anything or anyone inside it for a period of time which is manually set. That machine is deaing with low temperatures, in accordance to its name “cryonic”, to freeze anyhting so that it could preserve that thing until it reaches the end of the set period of time. It means that time travelling is achieved by preservation of a body going only to the future and not to the past. It was not actually a time travel machine but rather an instrument to preserve a body.
         After going through preservation, Fry found himself into the future. The place was clearly generated by technology and science, which were much more advanced that what are today’s. Almost everything was more convenient and instant. There was a faster way of transportation, shown by the vacuum like tube which could transport anyone to wherever he wanted to go. There were flying vehicles that could be managed by common individuals. Even suicide was more convenient, like one could have himself killed-if he wanted to-by going into the suicidal booth. That concept of suicide implies that the society seems less humanized, as if teachings and principles of religion are forgotted or less prioritized. Manual work were also done most by robots, for more “human” power and also for humans to have more comfortable time. Another example of faster operations in the future, according to the show, was how one’s profession could be decided by a machine. There was also a machine which could identify one’s relative through bloodlines, implying that authority had track on everyone. Research and information were also easier and more fun to gather as shown by the heads of great people who could narrate important information on different fields of knowledge.
       The show features the future as a period when everything is instant and convenient through advance science and technology. But together with the advancement of science, principles of “morality” are less prioritized.  

Nikka Marie Sales

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