Friday, January 10, 2014

Futurama- Reaction Paper

What if we could turn back time? What if we knew what’s in store for us in the future? These are some of the thoughts that cross our imaginative minds whenever we have time to spare, wishing that time machines existed to turn these thoughts into reality.
                Futurama deals with the concept of time machines and time travelling to the future. The idea of this sound pretty nice, but we have never thought of the possible effects and consequences of this to us.   At first, it really seemed cool, the idea of being the only one from the past living in the future with robots and aliens. But then, it seemed that there was no sense of “fun” in the future. Their occupation was decided for them based on their skills, even if they did not want to. Robots were sad, which was really weird because they had emotions. People were depressed and are not happy with the way they live their lives that they even had suicide machines!
                I think that in our own time today, we should do whatever we can to improve our lives, be happy and cherish each and every moment, enjoy our gift of free will and democracy, and make it count for us not to experience the sad and depressing image of the future.

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