Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dream Almost Come True

                Last meeting in our sts class, we watched a film entitled “Trip to the Moon”. It was an old film probably made in the late 1950’s where they used a canon to shoot their space ship to the moon. Well in the film it did work...
Looking at how the film was made, you can’t deny that it was really entertaining to see people in movies moving exaggeratedly to express better the things they wanted to show in the film. And I give them an A plus for the all props they used.
  I also find it funny that I was able to focus at the whole film even though there were no voices or subtitle. And if I happen to be alive already during the screening of this film in cinemas at that time, I would most likely believe that such concept of travelling to the moon is possible. Probably at that time there was no space ships made yet so they can’t really tell how they could actually go to the moon so the easiest way is to shoot them into the sky through a canon. They have not invented video cameras at that time that could also include the voices of the actors so don’t expect that they already have complicated machineries in building powerful rockets to visit our planet’s satellite. And during that time, this movie would most likely be a total blockbuster hit.

Yes, the whole idea of using a canon, finding aliens with magic and having them as friends of our nation was quite absurd, but at that time, such thing was acceptable. What’s funnier is that I was actually dreaming when I was a kid that the spaceship Armstrong used as also launched by a canon! I can’t believe that other people did also think of those, just lots of years before I was even born.  A dream made into a movie years ago...almost a dream come true.

1 comment:

  1. I actually believe using a "canon" will hold them back. LOL
