Friday, January 10, 2014

All The Time

If I were to make an update or an adaptation of the movie All The Time, I would have the main character of the story to be a person who is addicted to social networking. 
Now a days, many people get hooked in social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Formspring, and many other more. People tweet everything that they are doing, what they are feeling, where they are in Twitter. People update their statuses every now and then in Facebook. People take a photo of what they are eating or what they are wearing in Instagram. There are hashtags here and there.
 I am not saying that using these social networking sites are bad, even I use them myself. But things should be done in moderation and that there is more to life than these—better communication through personal contact, quality time with our family, our career, our health and wellness, etc.  We should know our priorities and what really matters to us in this life.

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