Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Science and Its Limitations

The 1958 movie “The Fly” is a movie that encompasses a lot of lessons not only for scientists but for ordinary people as well. I have a phobia for flies so after finding out the title I wasn’t really excited about it. But the start really caught my attention because I love movies with a mysterious theme (Those investigating shows and all!!) It got interesting because of the investigation of Andre’s murder, even if his wife admitted instantly. It actually made me more curious because why would someone admit to a murder he/she committed, right?

After watching the film, one main point was instilled in my mind. The film wanted to show that Science is a vital part of our lives. More and more, our lives become easier because of it. But like many other things, it also has limitations. Scientists should be aware of that, and be careful in inventing things. We should not forget the effects that new inventions have on us and on nature. The message that the movie imparts is that we should be contented with what we have. We should know when enough is enough. I believe that the film is a morality play since Andre represented not only scientists but each and every one of us as well. And through him, the film was able to teach a lesson that is applicable to everyone.

The movie also showed how humans wanted to advance so much in the field of science and technology. That because of new discoveries, people became more eager to enhance inventions or invent new things. Yes, it is a good thing to strive for greatness. But we should never forget the consequences of our actions. 

Chrystine L. Cobarrubias

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