Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Will It Be?

Futuruma is a cartoon that I was already familiar with before the meeting where Sir showed us the pilot episode. But sadly I've only watched a few episodes in between of i-don't-know-what season. I found it so hilarious because they show the future of the earth in the worst possible way.
It was a first for me when I saw the first episode. I never knew that the plot was actually like that and that Fry was frozen for a certain number of years that's why he was one of the few humans in the entire cartoon. Most the times, a lot of people would find it funny. But have we ever gave a deep thought about it that if we view our society now, that is actually the most accurate future that we can actually achieve?
The technology and science as we see is already very advanced and we have already even found out about the existence of aliens and is now coexisting with them. But because of the advancement of these areas, we can also notice that we began to neglect the other aspects such as our environment. The suicide booth is not quite surprising as well, since if the rate of depression in people's lives right now is already so high, it's number skyrocketing is already understandable.
Watching this cartoon or anything that is perhaps related to how our future will look like, have we really done anything to avoid these worst case scenarios from happening? If it's about the awareness level, we can say that almost all of us are already aware of this. But why are we not doing anything. Actions are louder than words. We have to act now and apply what we know for the betterment of our future. Not only in the technology aspect but in every area of our life. If you ask any person what the future will look like, enthusiastically they would say it would be a beautiful world. But will it really be like that? For you, our future, what will it be?

Grandiehl Shyrr G. Enriquez

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