The film “The Twilight Zone: Time
Enough At Last" basically shows a man’s addiction to reading, making him
anti-social and dependent on technology which is his eyeglasses. If I were to
write an update or adaptation of “The Twilight Zone: Time Enough At Last," I
would include the latest technology we have today since we have become so
dependent on it. I probably would have made Henry Bemis use an iPad or a Kindle
E-reader on reading his books. So instead of having his wife scribble marks on
his “Compilation of Poems” book, I would have her delete all the E-books in
Henry’s iPad or Kindle E-reader. Even though they probably would have Wifi in
the house for Henry to re-download them, I would have the wife give away their Wifi
to their friends so Henry wouldn’t be able to solve his reading problems.
Honestly, it is difficult to make Henry’s situation harder than it is if it the
film I were to make was a 21st century adaptation. The film wouldn’t
be realistic enough to show Henry’s struggles.
Technology has made it easier and convenient for everyone to access
information. With Henry’s desperation to read, he could have easily found other
ways to read his books.
I would also have made the ruined
lands more devastating and realistic, adding bigger rubbles on the ground,
sparking wires, and turned over vehicles. Since there are programs and
softwares today that are capable of making such believable destruction, I would
apply it to the film. I also would have shown more anti-socialness on Henry’s
part, including gossips and stereotype comments from his co-workers on him,
since these are the common practice of humanity today on people like
Henry. I would retain the type of politics
when the episode was made since it is not much different from what it is now.
The lesson on the story, besides “Be
careful of what you wish for,” is to not rely too much on technology. In our
era, books are published electronically. Our access to them is through the
computers, iPads, iPhones, Android phones, and a lot of other devices that can connect
to a plug. The world today has become so dependent on technology that once
electricity is removed, we would be living in a modern society turned to hell. We
would become our own versions of Henry Bemis; lost and trapped in solitude.
by Nicole Tesoro
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