Thursday, December 19, 2013

Geomazing Geowalk

Are you the kind of person who constantly relies on maps to navigate around areas and places? Google came up with interesting features called Google Maps and Map Maker. It does not only contain directions and maps of places, it also shows how to get there and what else can be seen in the place such as cultural establishments, food stalls, etc. All these assure not only one’s efficient journey to his/her desired destination but also adequate information on the different features of the place.

Google sponsored a geowalk last Saturday for students of Environment Science 1 in order to map the buildings in the science complex and some buildings in the academic oval. It did not require much of the students since photos and information about the places are the only ones that needed to be acquired. Most of the walk was about exploring familiar places with the excitement of knowing something new about them.

The geowalk ended not only with free t-shirts for everybody but also with a new kind of appreciation for the notion of mapping and the importance of maps in today’s context with the rise of GPS and other new types of locator technology. I re-learned and recognized the significant contribution of Google Maps not only for giving directions and how to get there but as a basic and accessible source of information about various places and locations anywhere in the country and even in the world.

Lara Gianina S. Reyes
2010 - 11072 

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